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Newspapers from Tajikistan - Таджикистан, تاجیکستان flag

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Al Jazeera (EN)
Avesta (RU)
Faraj (RU)
Guatdian (EN)
Jumhuriyat (RU)
Khovar (RU)
NY Times (EN)
Radio Free Europe (EN)
Radio Tiroz (RU)
Tajikistan Times (RU)
Tijkistan News (EN)
Times of Central Asia (EN)
TopTj‎ (RU)

Tajikistan, officially the Republic of Tajikistan, is a mountainous, landlocked country in Central Asia with an area of 143,100 km² and an estimated population of 9,275,828 people. It is bordered by Afghanistan to the south, Uzbekistan to the west, Kyrgyzstan to the north, and China to the east. The traditional homelands of the Tajik people include present-day Tajikistan as well as parts of Afghanistan and Uzbekistan.

Population (2017): 8.92 M

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